Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veteran's Day 2012

To all our veterans everywhere, thank you. You're the best.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Election Day memory:

In the '76 election, on voting day, mom took me with her into the voting booth to show me the process of voting. I seem to recall that she voted for Ford. If I remember correctly, I was kind of bummed out bcause I was missing my favorite TV show. Plus, if I'd known at the time she was voting for the loser, I'd have found any excuse to stay home that night.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Thursday, November 01, 2012


When I was a kid, I didn't receive an allowance. However, there always seemed to be about 45 cents in spare change I could scrape together between the cushions of the sofa in our living room. I think candy bars were about 20 cents, so I'd have some spare change left over. My folks never seemed to ask me where I got the money, and I never told them. I figured if I did tell them, they'd be more careful about the change in their pockets and my money supply would run dry. It was definitely a "don't ask, don't tell" type of arrangement..