Monday, May 08, 2006

A 1977 present.

Dad gave me this in early 1977. He worked at Texas Instruments (the manufacturer of this game), so I got some of the new stuff that TI produced before it hit the shelves in the stores. Like The Little Professor, it was basically a hand-held calculator game system. I really forget what 'games' were on it, but I just loved it. I always loved games and puzzles where I had to use my mind. I never cared for 'battle' games. 1977 was also the year Space Invaders came out, and EVERYONE was hooked on SI except me. It was also the year Star Wars came out. I guess '77 was the year of space things.
As soon as I started using this, The Little Professor ended up in a drawer somewhere, and I played with Dataman for about a year.