Saturday, May 25, 2013

"Joshua" by Dolly Parton:

Well a good way's down the railroad track, there was this little ole' run-down shack, and in it lived a man I'd never seen. Folks said "he was a mean and a viscous man, and you better not step foot on his land" but I didn't think nobody could be that mean. So I took me out walkin' down the railroad track, I was gonna go down to that little ol' shack and just find out if all them things I'd heard was true. There was a big black dog a-layin' out in the yard, and it growled at me and I swallowed hard and I heard somebody say "Well, who are you?" Ohhh and there he stood in the door of that shack and his beard and his hair was long and black, and he was the biggest man I'd ever seen. When he spoke his voice was low and deep, but he just didn't frighten me, 'cause somehow I just knew he wasn't mean. He said "What you doin' snoopin' round my place?" then I saw a smile come across his face, so I smiled back and I told him who I was. He said "Come on in and pull ya up a chair (you might as well since you're already here)", and he said "you can call me Joshua". Joshua, Joshua, what you doin' livin' here all alone? Joshua, Joshua, ain't you got nobody to call your own??
We talked 'til the sun was clean outta sight and we're still talkin' when it come daylight, and there was just so much we had to say. Now I'd spent my life in an orphan's home, and just like him I was all alone, so I said "yeah" when he asked if I'd stay. Well we grew closer as time went on, and that little ol' shack it was a happy home, and we just couldn't help but fall in love. That big black dog and that little ol' shack sittin' down by the railroad track it's plenty good enough for me and Joshua. Joshua, Joshua well you're just what I been a-lookin' for. Joshua, Joshua ya ain't gonna be lonesome anymore.