(Click on the picture for a larger view.)
When I was a kid I loved miniature golf! We always played when we would go to Cape Cod, Mass in the summer. We would go out for ice cream and buy a tee-shirt, then go and play miniature golf.
My great grandfather built a house in Chatham, on Cape Cod, in the late 50's. It was a Cape style house, and it had 2 bedrooms upstairs. In one of the bedrooms, in the closet, was a narrow 5-foot-long hallway that led to a little door. That door opened up into a small 6 x 6 room with a little chair and a dim lamp. My cousin DeeDee used to read in it, but I never did. It was a little too dark and creepy for me. Rex had a restaurant in Harwich on Route 28 for many years, and some people still remember it. It was called 'The Rexford', and I'm told they had great pancakes, but I wouldn't know. Rex had a weird rule about family eating in the dining room, even if we paid. Very strange. My mom, aunts and uncles would work there in the summer and Rex would house them (the old-fashioned teen age working summer). He sold the restaurant when I was 9, so I never worked there myself. Not that Rex and I would ever have made it together anyway.
I am a Cape Cod native myself, and even though my family has a history on the Cape, only a handful of our relatives were actually born there. Cape Cod was a magical place in the early 70's (back when you could afford to buy a house). The Chatham house was only 3 blocks from Hardings beach, and we would either drive there in the Volkswagon station wagon, or we would just walk. There also was a harbor down the road, and there was a field along the way where we would pick 9 foot talls cat-tails and reeds.
I miss those days.