Peanuts is probably one of THE most successful comic strips ever. I don't think their appeal will ever die (well, for me anyway). You can check out their website at: http://snoopy.com/
Click on the photo for a larger view.
Peanuts is probably one of THE most successful comic strips ever. I don't think their appeal will ever die (well, for me anyway). You can check out their website at: http://snoopy.com/
Click on the photo for a larger view.
This illustration for Job Cigarette Papers was done by Alphonse Mucha in the late 1800's. Job is still selling cigarette papers to this day, but come on, who REALLY uses these for cigarette tobacco anymore???????
Once when i was 'using', i went to the local convenience store and said to the cashier: "I'd like a pack of cigarette papers please". And she said "Oh, rolling your own?? Don't worry honey, I used to buy these, too, until I couldn't afford what you put in them anymore".
She was such a nice lady....
This old guy is exactly the same type of guy as my old grandfather Joe. He died in the mid 80's. He was the type of guy who would pick on you even if you minded your own business. Me as the artistic, sensitive type, i was always the object of his mean-ness. Back when he was a little boy (ca. 1900), it was the era when little boys were dressed to look like girls. There was a photo of him in my grandmother's house with his hair done up in curls and a hair bow, and a dress-looking type of outfit. He looked like Shirley Temple.......