My favorite shows of the 70s were:
- The Brady Bunch (My favorite episodes were: the Haskel's Ice Cream Hut episode, the one where Marcia has an emotional breakdown after losing the role of Juliet to someone else, and the one where Bobby becomes a socialist hall monitor and puts too much soap in the washing machine. Also, I like the episode where Greg takes Bobby on his date with Rachel and Bobby says to Greg: "You wouldn't want sweetie-pie to get wet, would you?" I thought that was SO hysterical back then, I "laughed my ass off". I also liked the one where Peter's volcano erupted on Marcia's booster club meeting. I still laugh).
- Sesame Street (Made me the caring, sensitive man I am today).
- The Electric Company (Anyone remember the "L-Y" song?).
- Zoom (I remember an episode where a bunch of talking vegetables get "processed" in the end. It scarred me for 2 years).
- All in the Family (Who didn't like it when Archie called Mike a 'Meat head'? My grandmother watched this show faithfully to prove to the rest of the family that she was 'liberated').
- Maude (The only work Adrienne Barbeau did where her character had any class).
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show (She could turn my world on with her smile).
- The Carol Burnett Show (I loved how Eunice used to nag everyone to play a game with her, then she would start to lose and cry and blame everybody else for her life's problems).
- The Jeffersons (Just once I wish Louise hauled off and punched her mother-in-law's lights out, she was such a bitch).
- Sanford and Son (Aunt Esther, what a pistol!).
- The Gong Show (An all-time classic, I never understood why they don't show re-runs).
- The $1.98 Beauty Show (The 'winner' would receive a cheezy crown and a check for $1.98. It was so derranged it was good. Better than Miss America).
- Alice (Flo was a cool chick, but still I don't think I would want to kiss her grits).
- Laverne and Shirley (The first time I ever heard the word "Bimbo". Back then I was so young my parents wouldn't tell me what that word meant......).
- WKRP in Cincinnatti (I liked the line when Mr. Carlson told Randy the station manager: "When I eat something it turns into fat. When you eat something, it turns into hair". Les Nessman was my favorite character).
- Mash (The only problem is now I can never find anyone who is willing to watch it with me).
- Land of the Lost (A saturday morning staple. Who can't recite the opening song?).
- Yoga with Maggie (A PBS classic. She was always dressed in this sort of one-piece black stretch spandex jumpsuit, and she had black, past-her-waist-length hair with bangs. She was very enlightened. I'm sure she's out there, somewhere, meditating).