In the Summer of '78, I spent a week in Point Judith Rhode Island with family and some friends. The above 8 songs played heavily on the radio that week. Even though "Don't Stop" and "She's Always A Woman" were released in '77, they both got a lot of air time in '78. Fleetwood Mac was pretty much king of the radio back then. "Three Times A Lady" also played alot, but if I never hear that song again it'll be fine with me. Whenever I hear these songs, I always think about the week in Point Judith.
Using my blog to try and make the world a better place. If I can help someone forget their troubles for a few minutes a day, it's all worth it.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Summer of 1978 Soundtrack:
In the Summer of '78, I spent a week in Point Judith Rhode Island with family and some friends. The above 8 songs played heavily on the radio that week. Even though "Don't Stop" and "She's Always A Woman" were released in '77, they both got a lot of air time in '78. Fleetwood Mac was pretty much king of the radio back then. "Three Times A Lady" also played alot, but if I never hear that song again it'll be fine with me. Whenever I hear these songs, I always think about the week in Point Judith.