Using my blog to try and make the world a better place. If I can help someone forget their troubles for a few minutes a day, it's all worth it.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Post-'70s remembrance:
Back in '98, I lived in the above yellow house (it was white at the time). It's on Route 28 in Orleans Massachusetts right next to the Christmas Tree Shop, and it had 6 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. A friend and I rented the house and then sub-rented the remaining 4 bedrooms and 3 baths to Wendy's to house their foreign workers for the Summer. We had about 15 people (total) from Jamaica, Ireland, Dominican Republic, England, The Czech Republic, and one gal from Poland. We called it "The Hall Of Nations". I've lived in a few towns on Cape Cod, but if I ever went back it would be to Orleans (well, and if I could ever afford it, it's a pretty pricey town...)..